About MES
About MES
Today, the pune city is known as nucleus of education. The city owes this reputation to several educational institutes. The Maharashtra Education Society holds an important share.
It was started in the year 1860 by late N. R. Mahagaonkar as a proprietary concern. Late Bapusaheb Bhajekar continued his tradition. Later, late Shri Vaman Prabhakar Bhave, Vasudev Balavant Phadake, and Late Shri Laxman Narhar Indapurkar took over the reins and the Institution that was called ‘Poona native Institution’ came into being in 1874. The institution came to be known as ‘Maharashtra Education Society’ in 1922, and since then the MES has never looked back.
It was formed with the aim of planting nationalistic thoughts and creating generations of strong character and ideals. The last one hundred and fifty seven years stands testimony to the fact that the aims of the society have been achieved. MES has given several gems in various fields, not just to Maharashtra but also to the nation. What started as a simple, single seed is now became an enormous tree.
Identifying the changing needs of the times and with a vision of the future, MES has achieved several novel targets. Little pathways of yesteryears have now transformed into huge expressways.
MES is the leading organisation that provides complete education from K.G. to P.G. For a century and a half, the society has nurtured the quality of education, availability of facilities along with social and moral values of life…

Spread of Units of MES
Maharashtra Education Society has 75 units comprising 40,000+ Students, Teachers, Professors and Administrative Staff. MES has units in Pune City, Kasar-Amboli, Saswad, Baramati (all Pune districts), Panvel, Belapur, Kalamboli (all near Navi-Mumbai), Shirval (Satara district), Lote Ghanekhunt (Ratnagiri District), and Ahmednagar.
The reason behind this is simultaneous qualitative and quantitative growth.
2000+ Teachers
& Staff
160+ Years of Existence
MES and Awards:
The consistent work of the MES towards upliftment of the deprived has been acknowledged. The Maharashtra Education Society received the coveted “Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Samajbhushan Award” of the Government of Maharashtra at the hands of Hon. Shri. Devendra Phadnavis, Chief Minister, Maharashtra, on August 18, 2016.
The Rani Lakshmibai Sainiki Mulinchi Shala, a School of MES was the receipent of “Adivasi Seva Sanstha Puraskar” for its work for the Adivasis. The School received the Award for the Years 2015-16 and 2016-17.
Maharashtra Education society is committed to provide through all its diverse, vibrant, proactive, educational and allied constituent units; stimulating safe and high standard learning environment and educational experience; so as to empower and transform the students to acquire, demonstrate and articulate the valuable knowledge and skills to nurture and practice core values of Indian tradition, that is, respect, tolerance, inclusion, excellence and patriotism, that will help them to extract their maximum potentials to contribute to the entire world.