Procedure and policies for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities- laboratory, library, sports complex, computers, classrooms etc.
Augmentation of infrastructure and equipment for the purpose of laboratory, library, sports complex, computers, classrooms etc. is to be utilized with the at most care and maintenance.
The policy is as fallows:
- The in-house efforts for regular cleaning, up keep and maintenance on daily basis are to be done by the in house staff for all the above mentioned facilities.
- Emergence of the problems in the functioning of machines etc. are to be done on the basis of a- ‘On call basis’ and b-‘Annual Maintenance Contracts’ (AMCs)
- Facilities and equipments where there is a need of regular vigilance and servicing, Annual Maintenance Contracts (AMCs) are to be made.
As per the above mentioned policy the procedures are adopted.
The in house staff has got the assigned work of cleaning and regular up keep and maintenance in computer laboratories, library, reading halls, administrative office, gadgets, class rooms etc.
In order to save the cost without compromising the quality of work, the decisions are taken to utilize either
‘On call basis’ or ‘Annual Maintenance Contracts’ (AMCs) method.
AMCs are made for the computers-hardware and software, gadgets such as printers, photocopying machines, elevators and many more.
After identifying the requirements of spare parts, equipments etc. the decision of purchases is taken in the Purchase Committee endorsed by the College Development Committee (CDC). Accordingly the budgetary provision is made for new purchases and also for AMCs mentioned above.
The requirement basically comes from the Heads of Academic Departments and Activity Heads. Once the decision of purchase is cleared by all the authorities the procedure of vendors are identification is done for procurement.
As the review policy annual stock taking is done at the College level and also by the Assets Verification Committee of the parent body.